Quote of the week

"I felt a great disturbance in the garden...it was as if a million weeds suddenly cried out in terror and were up-rooted and silenced."

~ Obi Weed Kanobi

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Gearing up for spring and farmer's markets!

Our yard no longer has snow and ice, the water has receded from the farm fields adjacent to our homes and Spring has sprung.  It has come into full swing for the Hohenstein and Wiest families as we prepare for this year's season at farmer's markets and the first year of our new community supported agriculture (CSA) business.

The greenhouse has been built on our yard, we're getting ready to till up the ground and the seedlings are being planted in droves. We already have onions, broccoli, cauliflower, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage, leeks, shallots, ocra, and peppers have been seeded and are sprouting. For the herbs we have thyme, oregano, and stevia planted. Our windows are full of plants as seen below and the green house is about half full with all the plants waiting to be moved outside to a more permanent location.


Our living room, taken over by a few of the 4,860 plants in our home!

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